Our process begins with a thorough in-person inspection to fully understand the problem. Based on our assessment, we will offer some solutions and estimates for you to decide on.
After your decision, we will guide you on how we move forward with your restoration needs. With over 40 years of craftsmanship and customer satisfaction, we can the guarantee that you'll be satisfied with the quality of work we will provide.
Check out some results of our past work below.
Please use the interactive slider to check out the result of our work on these stone slate steps.
The clients remodeled their home with a new exterior staircase with a nice dark Basalt tile. But after the installation, the tiles did not appear as dark as they would have liked.
They contacted us for help. We were able to clean and seal the stairs with an enhancer that brought out the darkness they wanted.
The client had tenants who accidentally cracked off the edge lip of the kitchen counter. Instead of spending a fortune on replacing the whole countertop, they asked us for help in repairing the crack.
We cleaned the remaining loose pieces, added a little bit of leverage, color matched a premium epoxy, and saved the client the headache of replacing the whole countertop.
The clients installed blue grout to their bathroom, but wasn’t happy with how it looked after the installation. They wanted to change the color of the grout to white.
With time, patience, and 6 layers of white grout recoloring, we were able to fix the problem and put a smile on the client's face.
We are here to help you every step of the way for all your cleaning and restoration needs. Let us know and we’ll do our best to help.
1190 Mountain View-Alviso Rd Ste M, Sunnyvale CA 94089